Sunday, November 2, 2008

Major challenges facing the ZAPDD

- some people with development disabilities are still harassed and abused including impregnated out of wedlock
- There is big medication problem for the people with development disabilities especially for those with epilepsy that need special attention
- Shortage of working equipments
- Local branches fail to implement their small scale project due to lack of resources

Current programmes of the ZAPDD

ZAPDD development programme
It focuses on the association’s organisation development:
1. Strengthening association through increasing membership
2. Empowering leaders with appropriate knowledge and skills
3. Awareness raising in the community on the right of people with development disabilities
4. Empowerment of local branches
5. Enhancing networking

Inclusive education
- Implemented jointly between ZAPDD and Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in Zanzibar
- It focussing strongly on increased enrolment and proper teaching techniques for children and youth with disabilities
- Ultimately and indirectly, the target groups are children and youth as well local community in Zanzibar

Youth Development Project
it focuses twofold
1. It seeks to implement inclusive and special needs educational practices in Zanzibar
· 20 pilot schools received training and skills in inclusive education in 2004-2006
· In 2007-2009 training are provided to more teachers and expanded to more schools

2. Project seeks to actively increase youth membership and enhancing development of youth activities at local and national levels through skills training.Build capacity of youth with disability to


ZAPDD is committed to lobbying and advocating for the empowerment of parents with developmental disabilities, to create an enabling environment for the rights of inclusive society in Zanzibar.


i.To create a society for all, that is informed, inspired and responsive to the rights, inclusion and needs of people with developmental disabilities.
ii.To motivate the members, protect the interest, and build capacity for the parents and the people with the developmental disability in Zanzibar.

Focus areas of ZAPDD

- Lobbying and advocacy
- Awareness creation
- Mobilization and Empowerment
- Networking